As I write this there’s snow on the ground, it’s a chilly January morning, but I feel more energy that I have had in months. 

I kinda thought that I’d close my store and I’d figure it out, figure out a way to continue. The universe had other plans and the last few months have been some of my hardest, but it feels like that is finally coming to a close and I can get back to doing what I love.

Learning how to create a new website, when anyone who knows me knows I am not blessed with a technological mind has been a challenge for sure, but I’m hoping that if your reading this blog post this little digital space will be out in the open and not hidden behind a password anymore.  

There have been many good times too, little rescue pup has settled in wonderfully and feels most at home when snuggled in my favorite scarf.. 

or when I am knitting! 

Talking of knitting.. I have been knitting up a storm and it’s going pretty well! If you’re a knitter and have any favorite patterns get in touch! I’d love to hear about them! 

I am thinking already about the warmer weather.. Spring deliveries will begin to arrive soon and will be online as soon as I have them. But for now I’m going to go for a walk in the snow and stay cosy in warm fleece.

Have a wonderful January ⛄️